TOCSYC is first and foremost a distributed research environment. Our results are consequently primarily published in scientific journals and conference proceedings. However, we also offer several forms for industrial dissemination of results (notably industry days, courses, and joint projects with industry). For scientific dissemination, a full publications list is provided below.
Publication list updated in February 2016.
Publication list updated in February 2016.
Journal Articles
Conference and Workshop, Several Involved Partner Organizations
- Eduard Paul Enoiu, Adnan Causevic, Thomas Ostrand, Elaine Weyuker, Daniel Sundmark, Paul Pettersson, Automated Test Generation using Model-Checking: An Industrial Evaluation, International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer (STTT), Springer, Nov 2014.
- Sara Abbaspour Asadollah, Daniel Sundmark, Sigrid Eldh, Hans Hansson, Wasif Afzal, 10 Years of research on debugging concurrent and multicore software: a systematic mapping study, Accepted for publication in Software Quality Journal, 2016. Springer.
- Wasif Afzal, S. Alone, K. Glocksien and Richard Torkar. "Software Test Process Improvement Approaches: A Systematic Literature Review and an Industrial Case Study". Accepted for publication in Journal of Systems and Software (JSS).
- Emil Alegroth, Robert Feldt, and Pirjo Kolstrom, "Maintenance of Automated Test Suites in Industry: An Empirical study on Visual GUI Testing", Journal of Information and Software Technology, 73 (2016): 66-80, Elsevier, 2016.
- Emil Alegroth, Johan Gustafsson, Hans Ivarsson, and Robert Feldt, "Replicating Rare Software Failures with Visual GUI Testing: An Industrial Success Story", Accepted for publication in IEEE Software.
- Peter Altenbernd, Jan Gustafsson, Björn Lisper, and Friedhelm Stappert. Early execution time-estimation through automatically generated timing models. Real-Time Systems, (2016): 1-30 .
- Michael Unterkalmsteiner, Tony Gorschek, Robert Feldt and Niklas Lavesson, "Large-scale Information Retrieval in Software Engineering - An Experience Report from Industrial Application", Empirical Software Engineering Journal, 2015.
- Bogdan Marculescu, Simon Poulding, Robert Feldt, Kai Petersen, Richard Torkar, "Tester Interactivity makes a Difference in Search-Based Software Testing: A Controlled Experiment", 2015, Type: Journal, Status: Submitted to Information and Software Technology
- Michael Unterkalmsteiner, Tony Gorschek, Robert Feldt and Erik Klotins, "Assessing Requirements Engineering and Software Test Alignment - Five Case Studies", Journal of Systems and Software (JSS) 2015.
- Bogdan Marculescu, Robert Feldt, Richard Torkar and Simon Poulding, "An Initial Industrial Evaluation of Interactive Search-Based Testing for Embedded Software", Applied Soft Computing (ASOC), 2015.
- Nina Holt, Lionel Briand and Richard Torkar, “Empirical evaluations on the cost-effectiveness of state-based testing: An industrial case study”, Information and Software Technology, August 2014.
- Emil Alegroth and Robert Feldt, "Visual GUI Testing in Practice: Challenges, Problems and Limitations", Empirical Software Engineering Journal, January 2014.
- Michael Unterkalmsteiner, Tony Gorschek, A.K.M. Moinul Islam, C.K. Cheng, R. Permadi and Robert Feldt, "A conceptual framework for SPI evaluation", Journal of Software Evolution and Maintenance: Research and Practice, volume 26, issue 2, pages 256279, September 2013.
Conference and Workshop, Several Involved Partner Organizations
- Eduard Paul Enoiu, Adnan Causevic, Daniel Sundmark, Paul Pettersson. A Controlled Experiment in Testing of Safety-Critical Embedded Software, IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST), April 2016.
- Sahar Tahvili, Wasif Afzal, Mehrdad Saadatmand, Markus Bohlin, Daniel Sundmark, and Stig Larsson. Towards Earlier Fault Detection by Value-driven Prioritization of Test Cases Using Fuzzy TOPSIS. In Proc. of the 13th International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, April 2016.
- Muhammad M. Hassan, Wasif Afzal, Birgitta Lindström, Syed M.A. Shah, Sten F. Andler and Martin Blom. Testability and Performance: A Systematic Mapping Study, in the 31st ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (ACM SAC), Pisa, 2016.
- Birgitta Lindström and András Márki. On Strong Mutation and Subsuming Mutants. IEEE Workshop on Mutation Analysis (Mutation 2016).
- Bogdan Marculescu, Robert Feldt, and Richard Torkar, "Using Exploration Focused Techniques to Augment Search-Based Software Testing: An Experimental Evaluation", ICST 2016.
- Robert Feldt, Simon Poulding, David Clark and Shin Yoo, "Test Set Diameter: Quantifying the Diversity of Sets of Test Cases", ICST 2016.
- Eriksson and B. Lindström (2016), UML Associations: Reducing the Gap in Test Coverage Between Model and Code, in the 4th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development, (MODELSWARD), Rome.
- Sara Abbaspour Asadollah, Hans Hansson, Daniel Sundmark, Sigrid Eldh, Towards Classification of Concurrency Bugs Based on Observable Properties. International Workshop on Complex faUlts and Failures in LargE Software COUFLESS 15, May 2015.
- Birgitta Lindström, Sten F. Andler, Jeff Offutt, Paul Pettersson, and Daniel Sundmark. Mutating Aspect-Oriented Models to Test Cross-Cutting Concerns. Eleventh IEEE Workshop on Mutation Analysis (Mutation 2015), April 2015, Graz, Austria.
- Muhammad M. Hassan, Wasif Afzal, Martin Blom, Birgitta Lindström, Sten F. Andler and Sigrid Eldh (2015), Testability and Software Robustness: A Systematic Literature Review, in the 41st Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications, Funchal.
- Sahar Tahvili, Mehrdad Saadatmand, and Markus Bohlin. Multi-criteria Test Case Prioritization using Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process. In Proc. of the 10th International Conference on Software Engineering Advances (ICSEA’15), Barcelona, Spain, November 2015.
- Simon Poulding and Robert Feldt, "The Automated Generation of Human-Comprehensible XML Test Sets", Proc. North American Search Based Software Engineering Symposium (NasBASE), 2015, Type: Conference (full paper).
- José Manuel Calderón Trilla, Simon Poulding, Colin Runciman, "Weaving Parallel Threads: Searching for Useful Parallelism in Functional Programs", Proc. 7th International Symposium on Search-Based Software Engineering (SSBSE), 2015, Type: Conference (full paper).
- Geoffrey Neumann, Mark Harman, Simon Poulding, "Transformed Vargha-Delaney Effect Size", Proc. 7th International Symposium on Search-Based Software Engineering (SSBSE), 318-324, 2015, Type: Conference (short paper).
- Guillermo Rodriguez-Navas, Avenir Kobetski, Daniel Sundmark, Thomas Gustafsson, Offline Analysis of Independent Guarded Assertions in Automotive Integration Testing, In 12th IEEE International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems (ICESS 2015), Aug 2015.
- Simon Poulding and Robert Feldt, "Heuristic Model Checking using a Monte-Carlo Tree Search Algorithm", Proc. Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO), 2015.
- Husni Khanfar, Björn Lisper, and Md Abu Naser Masud. Static Backward Program Slicing for Safety Critical Systems. Proc. 20th International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies -- Ada-Europe 2015.
- David Clark, Robert Feldt, Simon Poulding and Shin Yoo, "Information Transformation: An Underpinning Theory for Software Engineering", ICSE NIER track, Florence, Italy, May 2015.
- Robert Feldt and Simon Poulding, "Broadening the Search in Search-Based Software Testing: It Need Not Be Evolutionary", 2015 IEEE Eigth Int. Workshop on Search-based Software Testing (SBST), 2015. [Best Research Paper award at SBST 2015]
- Simon Poulding and Robert Feldt, "Re-using Generators of Complex Test Data", Proc. International Conference on Software, Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST), 1-10, 2015.
- Thomas Gustafsson, Mats Skoglund, Avenir Kobetski, Daniel Sundmark, Automotive System Testing by Independent Guarded Assertions, Testing: Academic & Industrial Conference - Practice and Research Techniques (TAIC PART), April 2015.
- Lin Deng, Nariman Mirzaei, Paul Ammann, and Jeff Offutt. Towards Mutation Analysis of Android Apps. Eleventh IEEE Workshop on Mutation Analysis (Mutation 2015), April 2015, Graz, Austria.
- Nan Li and Jeff Offutt. A Test Automation Language Framework for Behavioral Models. 11th Workshop on Advances in Model-based testing (A-MOST 2015), April 2015, Graz, Austria.
- Jing Guan and Jeff Offutt. A Model-Based Testing Technique for Component-Based Real-Time Embedded Systems. 11th Workshop on Advances in Model-based testing (A-MOST 2015), April 2015, Graz, Austria.
- Bob Kurtz, Paul Ammann, and Jeff Offutt. Static Analysis of Mutant Subsumption. Eleventh IEEE Workshop on Mutation Analysis (Mutation 2015), April 2015, Graz, Austria.
- Björn Lisper, Md Abu Naser Masud, and Husni Khanfar. Static Backward Demand-Driven Slicing. Proc. ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Partial Evaluation and Program Manipulation (PEPM'15).
- Kivanc Doganay, Sigrid Eldh, Wasif Afzal, and Markus Bohlin. Search-based Testing for Embedded Telecommunication Software with Complex Input Structures: An Industrial Case Study. In Proceedings of the 26th IFIP International Conference on Testing Software and Systems, Madrid, Spain, September 2014. IEEE Computer Society.
- Kristian Wiklund, Daniel Sundmark, Sigrid Eldh, Kristina Lundqvist, Impediments for Automated Testing - An Empirical Analysis of a User Support Discussion Board, Seventh IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST 2014), April 2014.
- Sunitha Thummala and Jeff Offutt. An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Atomic Section Model. ACM/IEEE 17th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS 2014), September 2014, Valencia Spain.
- Robert Feldt, "Do System Test Cases Grow Old?", ICST 2014.
- Simon Poulding and Robert Feldt, "Generating structured test data with specific properties using nested Monte-Carlo search", Proc. Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO), 1279-1286, 2014, Type: Conference (full paper).
- Bob Kurtz, Paul Ammann, Marcio E. Delamaro, Jeff Offutt, and Lin Deng. Mutant Subsumption Graphs. Tenth Workshop on Mutation Analysis (Mutation 2014), March 2014, Cleveland Ohio, USA.
- Paul Ammann, Marcio E. Delamaro, and Jeff Offutt. Establishing Theoretical Minimal Sets of Mutants. 7th IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST 2014), March 2014, Cleveland Ohio, USA.
- Marcio E. Delamaro, Jeff Offutt, and Paul Ammann. Designing Deletion Mutation Operators. 7th IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST 2014), March 2014, Cleveland Ohio, USA.
- Nan Li and Jeff Offutt. An Empirical Analysis of Test Oracle Strategies for Model-based Testing. 7th IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST 2014), March 2014, Cleveland Ohio, USA.
- Marcio E. Delamaro, Lin Deng, Vinicius H. S. Durelli, Nan Li, and Jeff Offutt. Experimental Evaluation of SDL and One-Op Mutation for C. 7th IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST 2014), March 2014, Cleveland Ohio, USA.
- Eduard Paul Enoiu, Daniel Sundmark, Paul Pettersson, Using Logic Coverage to Improve Testing Function Block Diagrams, International Conference on Testing Software and Systems (ICTSS), Nov 2013.
- Robert Feldt and Simon Poulding, "Finding Test Data with Specific Properties via Metaheuristic Search”, Proc. International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE), November 2013. [Best Research Paper award at ISSRE 2013]